New to AI? Discover the First Steps to Transform Your Business in 2024

Home » New to AI? Discover the First Steps to Transform Your Business in 2024
​Business Challenges with Integrating and Adopting AI​

AI is transforming industries. Whether it be by rapidly streamlining processes, sparking creative solutions or increasing data-driven decision-making, AI is setting the stage for a new era of efficiency and innovation. However, integrating and adopting AI tools and capabilities isn’t easy, and can be quite daunting to start. The technological complexities can be intimidating due to the learning curve associated with AI. The financial investments add a layer of concern due to the unknown return on investment, particularly if outcomes are not immediate. Also, the disruption to existing workflows across teams can be unsettling and can heighten anxiety with needing to adapt and perform with this new technology. ​

Though AI can promise a future of innovation, adopting it presents technical, financial and emotional challenges. However, with the right approach, these challenges can be effectively navigated, unlocking AI’s full potential within an organization to streamline operations, drive innovation, and accelerate decision making. Here’s an example of ADAPTOVATE’s recent work with a Canadian national healthcare provider where we helped identify and prioritize areas that can best leverage AI. ​

How ADAPTOVATE helped national healthcare provider to identify and prioritize AI use cases:​

A national healthcare provider collaborated with ADAPTOVATE to explore AI applications for improving service quality, cost efficiency, and workplace satisfaction. ADAPTOVATE facilitated a 1-day workshop where they built a common understanding of AI capabilities and tools available, then worked with teams to identify 20+ AI and automation opportunities within the organization. The outcomes of this workshop were 3 high-priority initiatives outlined in detailed blueprints, to be presented to senior leadership for potential funding. ​

This collaboration positions the healthcare provider to enhance care delivery and gain a competitive advantage in the market.​

If you’re interested in exploring AI use cases for your organization, ADAPTOVATE recommends a 3-step approach, which starts with building a solid foundation in AI literacy, followed by the discovery of AI opportunities tailored to the organization’s unique needs, to ultimately working towards creating use case blueprints, setting the stage to pilot and implement. ​

How ADAPTOVATE frames this 3-step approach​

ADAPTOVATE’s focus on engaging employees aligns with the idea that the workforce is a critical asset in identifying, understanding, and implementing the most impactful AI solutions for the organization. Your employees and teams possess in-depth knowledge of the organization’s operations, workflows, and challenges within their specific domain. This deep understanding allows them to identify areas where AI can have a meaningful impact. Furthermore, involving employees in the identification process encourages collaboration and fosters a sense of ownership and engagement, as they feel empowered to actively contribute to the organization’s innovation efforts.​

Having identified the ideal starting point for your AI initiative, the next critical step is to prioritize the use cases that emerged from the crowdsourcing efforts. This prioritization is crucial as it serves as the guiding principle for directing your resources strategically. By aligning AI applications with your overarching strategic objectives, this step ensures a focused and efficient utilization of resources. ​

How to prioritize a list of crowdsourced AI use cases effectively? ​
  1. Establish a clear evaluation framework that includes criteria specific to your business. Focus on feasibility, impact, scalability and alignment with organizational goals ​
  2. Assign a diverse evaluation team and create a scoring system or rubric to objectively assess and quantify each use case based on the decided criteria ​
  3. Encourage open discussions and feedback sessions among evaluators to ensure consistency of scoring, regularly evaluating the emerging technology and tools to discover additional use case opportunities​

​Sample evaluation ADAPTOVATE uses to identify and pilot an AI use case​:

Using an evaluation criteria ensures a thorough and objective evaluation of AI use cases, aligning potential pilot programs with the strategic goals of the organization to ensure maximum impact and confidence throughout implementation. ​

This approach is a small piece of ADAPTOVATE’s methodology to help demystify the AI adoption process, offering a clear path from the initial education to successful piloting of AI initiatives. By leveraging our 3-step approach and developing a clear evaluation criteria, organizations can gain a better understanding of where to begin their AI journey, ensuring alignment with their core objectives along the way. 

Start your AI journey with us—Connect with ADAPTOVATE today to unlock the transformative potential of AI for your business.​



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